40 Weeks pregnant
Nov. 2012-After my first 12 week challenge-I lost 20 lbs (Before the challenge I lost 28 lbs for obvious reason and eventually counted calories for a couple of months) Yep. You counted that right. A total of 48 lbs lost on my small frame. Hallelujah!!!
This is a question I asked myself today and the days before starting another12 week challenge. Not because I was regretting it. But because I really wanted to dig deep and know why I wanted to do this. Bill Phillips said, "When you make a decision to make a change and you know your reasons, you will harness the force-the desire to make something happen." One of the reasons I wanted to do this challenge is because I like the clean eating and the way it makes me feel. I've had 4 opportunities to lose weight after giving birth. None of them were easy; the fat didn't melt off even though people told me it would. In fact, if I don't exercise and eat carefully while I'm nursing I start to gain back the 10-15 pounds I lost the day I had the baby. I start to see the numbers creeping back up. The difference between the way I lost weight the other 3 times was in the way I fed my body. I'm continuing to learn about healthy eating and the best way to nourish my body and I've come a long way since having Cassideen. I've lost weight through counting calories or doing weight watchers before now. But when I look back on all of my food journals I see that I was not eating very well. That is why I like Body For Life. You don't count calories, you don't count points....BUT you are eating the best way possible. I love the way it makes me feel. That is one of the reasons I am doing this. So that I can feel better about myself and be the best example to my kids of eating healthy and being my best self.