Thursday, January 31, 2013

Why did I choose to do another round?

40 Weeks pregnant

Nov. 2012-After my first 12 week challenge-I lost 20 lbs (Before the challenge I lost 28 lbs for obvious reason and eventually counted calories for a couple of months) Yep. You counted that right. A total of 48 lbs lost on my small frame. Hallelujah!!!
Obviously I had lost weight before starting the challenge so my pregnancy picture isn't an accurate "BEFORE" picture.

 This is a question I asked myself today and the days before starting another12 week challenge. Not because I was regretting it. But because I really wanted to dig deep and know why I wanted to do this. Bill Phillips said, "When you make a decision to make a change and you know your reasons, you will harness the force-the desire to make something happen."  One of the reasons I wanted to do this challenge is because I like the clean eating and the way it makes me feel. I've had 4 opportunities to lose weight after giving birth. None of them were easy; the fat didn't melt off even though people told me it would. In fact, if I don't exercise and eat carefully while I'm nursing I start to gain back the 10-15 pounds I lost the day I had the baby. I start to see the numbers creeping back up. The difference between the way I lost weight the other 3 times was in the way I fed my body. I'm continuing to learn about healthy eating and the best way to nourish my body and I've come a long way since having Cassideen. I've lost weight through counting calories or doing weight watchers before now. But when I look back on all of my food journals I see that I was not eating very well. That is why I like Body For Life. You don't count calories, you don't count points....BUT you are eating the best way possible. I love the way it makes me feel. That is one of the reasons I am doing this. So that I can feel better about myself and be the best example to my kids of eating healthy and being my best self.

3 Days Down!

Although it has been awhile since I've followed such a specific diet & fitness routine, and seemingly years since I've blogged anything, I'm excited to be on this quest for improved health with Carrie, Collette and anyone else that would like to join us. It's going to be AWESOME! I'm really not an old lady; in fact mentally, sometimes I feel like I'm twelve! But physically, body (imparticularly my hips, especially after interval training)...well, I must have been 'late to the party'..."When God was handing out bods, I thought he said wads...of LAME!" I must have gotten a 'refurbished' one! Like an old beat up truck, with a rebuilt engine. None-the-less, this body is a gift and it's high time I started treating it better. After all, it's got to get me around for another 60 years, or so. So, three (3) days down and getting ready to tackle day four. Modified Interval Training, here I come!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Quick & Easy

I provide childcare 3-4 days a week. I also have 4 kids under 10, one being a baby, and I provide respite care for my nephew. So meals generally need to be quick & easy, especially since there are 6 of them on Body for Life. Here are a few of my favorites....Meal 1:8 am.Weight Control oatmeal (Quaker-only 1 gram sugar but is so yummy) mixed with water & throw in microwave for 1 min, add 2 T milk, sometimes I add a 10 small pieces of walnuts, and an egg white (sometimes 1 t salsa)on the side. Meal 2: 11 am. String cheese & apple. Meal 3: 1:30 pm. Sandwich thin, 1 tsp light mayo, 6-8 thin slices deli turkey, 1 tbsp of mozzarella cheese (add a small side salad or cucumbers to get my 2 veggies), Meal 4: 4 pm. Protein bar (I like Atkins or EAS mint chocolate or peanut butter. Meal 5: 6:30 pm Large spinach or romaine or green leaf salad, 1 T light rasberry/poppyseed dressing, 1-2 chicken tenderloins, 1 T sunflower seeds, 1-2 small oranges. Meal 6: 9 pm. Grrek light yogurt or regular light yogurt mixed with small portion of cottage cheese.