Sunday, March 3, 2013

High intensity training

I love the high intensity cardio workouts from BFL. But I am training for a 10k in May and need to step it up a notch with my mileage-20 minutes doesn't get me far. I'm sharing this with the hopes that it will help those who have been doing longer than 20 min. sessions of cardio and don't feel like 20 min. will cut it. Don't get me wrong. The 20 min. high intensity cardio sessions from BFL will do it's job if you are pushing yourself. But this is just for those who want a little more. It is a HITT workout plan divised by a former BFL  champion Emily Alvers.  I think this is one of the training plans I will be using to get ready for my next 10k.
You should see her, she has a killer body. She is now a fitness trainer and model.
If you want to check out her training-cardio & strength here is the link
From Emily:
Once you master walking HIIT, take it to the next level by trying running. Even if you think you "aren't a runner", don't be scared to try it. I used to say the same thing! When I started this program, I could only max out at 5.5 mph and now I am up to 8.5 mph. It just takes a willingness to try new things. This is now one of my favorites...


  1. You are really pushing yourself on your weight days. I haven't been. That's actually my goal this week is to really push myself and get to my 10. Mike started cleaning the garage yesterday and I told him I want to use his bench starting this week. He said we'll clean it off and he's also willing to help me with my workouts by spotting me. I am good with the 20 minutes as well. It is pretty awesome to be done in 20 min. and be sweating, high heart rate, and breathing hard. I'll probably only do her 30 min HITT once a week and do the regular 20 min the other times.


  2. Also wanted to add that she did it exactly by the book when she won BFL. She has a Q&A about BFL on her page and this is what she said.
    Q: Did you really do Body-for-LIFE by the book or did you do something extra?
    A: Yes, I did it exactly as it's outlined in the extra extra restricting food. The last couple weeks I tightened up my eating even more and replaced things like brown rice and sweet potatoes at dinner with extra large portions of fibrous green veggies as my carbohydrate source. However I never "cut carbs". The amount of vegetables I was eating at dinner was equal to that of eating rice or another complex carb.

    When I started the program, I had a hard time wrapping my head around the idea that 20 minutes of cardio 3 times a week would be enough, but I really wanted to see if it would work, so I made a conscious decision to do it exactly as it is outlined in the book. I was tempted many times to try to "tweak the program", but I'm thankful that I didn't, because now I know it really does work!

  3. BTW she says to stick to the program but if you do longer than 20 minHITT sessions only gpo up to 30. And never do it on a strength trainingday.
