Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Week 10: The Positive Mindset

. Bill Phillips talks about the power of a positive mindset. I know for myself I occasionally (sometimes often) have negative thoughts. I know how unhealthy it is for my mind and my body. I like how Bill not only talks about it's powerful effect but also gives us 4 techniques to help bring about a postivie mindset. So here it is:

Bill Phillips says, "Unlike the physical body, the mind is very fluid and it can take on a new form in an instant. We can be confident, believing in our ability one moment, doubtful and uncertain the next. This can be especially true when taking on something new and challenging like this transformation process. In order for us to successfully reach our goals with this work, we must know how to set and reset the mind in a positive direction . Here are 4 tried-and-true techniques to transform your mindset in minutes:
The longer we procrastinate and avoid taking action, the tighter the grip of fearful and apprehensive thoughts becomes. There's a surefire way to put an end to that. It's to get up, get moving, and as Nike says, just do it.
We  always tend to get more of what we focus on in life. It's true. This means it's vitally important to be mindful of where our attention is. If we have a habitual pattern of looking at what's not working, according to this tenet, we'll be getting more of that-more of what's not working.

Please remember that energy flows where your attention goes. So focus on what you love, what makes you smile, and what makes you feel healthy, and alive! In doing so, you'll soon have even more to be happy about.
The words we say to others and ourselves directly influence our mindset, health and actions for better or worse every single day. Positive language has been demonstrated to improve scores on aptitude tests, boost physical performance, and even strengthen the immune system. And negative talk can do just the opposite.
To harness the positive power of words and put them to work in your own life, you simply start by being more mindful about what you're saying, how you're saying it, and what effect it's having on others as well as yourself. Then speak often of inspiration, love, gratitude, health and healing, and how you're transforming, improving, and making good progress. The more you do , the more you will.
Another effective way to shift your mindset is to envision a successful outcome. Many people who do well  with their personal transformation make a daily practice to see, in their mind, where they're going before they get there. They envision, with crystal clarity, what their renewed body and improved life will be like. For many this becomes a very powerful practice.
Please consider making a few minutes of quiet time each day to sit in stillness and hold an image in mind of how you want to be, how you want to look, how you want to feel. When you do, you may very wheel be surprised with how rapidly that inner vision becomes your external reality.

Action step:

1. Empowering words and phrases that I will utilize in my daily communication with others and myself include:

2. A description of the future self I envision is:

3. Three empowering, healthy thoughts which are aligned with my transformation objectives are:

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