Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Advice to self....

Boy I'm on a roll here. 3 posts in a row. Just a little advice to self.
1. Don't weigh yourself after just 1 week of Body For Life, especially at night (when you normally weigh yourself in the morning). Remember that you are building muscle so you are going to see the numbers drop fairly slowly. I get a little antsy and impatient and just want the numbers to drop by twice the speed. But I need to remember that the muscle I'm building will burn more calories and will look much better on me than my pounds of fat. So just keep eating clean and exercising and building those muscles. BE PATIENT. 
2. Don't go to Target and try on all of their super cute workout clothes just for fun. You know..... the really tight purple/black running tights and the sporty halter tops (some of which you are trying on in a size too small because they don't have your size). Are you trying to torture yourself? They were the least bit flattering. However the black/purple running tights matched well under running shorts. Maybe in a couple of weeks I'll go back and reconsider trying them on (as long as thunder thighs are covered with running shorts.)


  1. Carrie-I've most of the past 10 years been obsessed with the numbers on the scale; weighing myself everyday was standard, sometimes twice a day. It worked for me back then. It didn't get me as down or frustrated. In fact, it motivated me to do better, to monitor what I ate better, and it helped me tune in to my body and be able to know things I wouldn't have known without it. But now it is completely disappointing if I weight myself every day. I took your advice a couple of months ago and stopped weighing myself. I think I'll weigh myself once every 3-4 weeks just to gauge where I'm at and if I need to step up my game. Good for you-tuning into your body can be a difficult thing to do. It's good to find other ways of gauging our success.

  2. Collette-I love you and love this post! It's almost as if I wrote it myself. I have conscious and almost daily internal dialogue about not being a slave to the scale. So fun...NOT!!! Hehehe!
