Thursday, February 21, 2013

Ragnar-Del Sol

By now most people know what the Ragnar is but when I ran my first one I think it was just becoming known. I had never heard of such a thing before. It sounded intriguing and yet very absurd and crazy. And here I am 5 Ragnars later, thinking that exact same thing. It is very intriguing and yet very absurd and crazy. It's also very addicting. Once you do one you want to do more. This will be my 4th Ragnar to run (I volunteered for Ragnar last year when I was 7 months preggo). I am soooooo excited. In fact, I hardly could sleep last night, and I dreamt about packing and shopping for food for the Ragnar. I'm also nervous and anxious. Because no matter how much fun it is I'm nervous before every race I do. No matter how hard I've trained, or what shape I am in, I get nervous every time. I haven't added any new music to my player for about 2 years or more. So last night I stayed up for 2 hours deciding which music I should buy from Amazon and downloading it took forever. Anyways here are some songs I added; you might love 'em, you might hate 'em.....1 Starships by Nicki Minaj. 2. I Knew You Were Trouble by Taylor Swift. 3. I Cry by Flo Rida. 4. Hall of Fame. 5. We Are Never Getting Back Together (Mike isn't very fond of this, especially when I sing it as loud as I can). 6. What Makes You Beautiful.

So I'm leaving at 4 AM tomorrow to meet my team in Wickenburg. I am runner number 2. My legs are 5.5, 5.7, and 7.6 making for a grand total of 18.8 miles. Wish me luck!!!!

My first Ragnar-my cousin Melissa came to support me at the finish line.


  1. Awesome!!! So proud of you and I know you're gonna be amazing! Way to go SUPERSTAR!

  2. Hey Carrie I'll be running twice today ond once tomorrw so you have to think about me & cheer me on for two days. I'll post something on Sunday or Mon most likely. Stay tuned!
